It’s my passion to help as many people as possible realize the control they have over their quality of life through their health and fitness rather than being a victim of it.
— Carrie Bacon, CEO, BStrong Fitness LLC

I was born in Kemmerer, Wyoming and moved to Colorado Springs, CO at the age of 9. Fitness became a passion for me very early in my life at the age of 12 when I first picked up a basketball. I instantly fell in love with the sport and from that moment on, I had big dreams of getting a full ride scholarship to a Division 1 college and then one day playing the game I loved at the professional level. Strength training became a means of making those dreams come true. It was incredible to see the hard work in the weight room pay off as I got stronger and faster. I learned quickly that you will get back in results what you put in in terms of effort, you just have to be consistent. 

I signed my full ride scholarship to the University of Wyoming as a junior. Fitness had become such a huge part of my life that I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise and Sport Science. With my first dream accomplished, I knew the next goal of playing professionally would take even more effort in the weight room and on the court. I would eventually go on to have an amazing career for the Cowgirls and be inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2013. 

My professional career lasted 7 years. I was blessed to play all over the world in several different countries including Luxembourg, Spain, Finland, Sweden, and Brazil. I also won a Championship in the NWBL Women’s league here in the states with the Colorado Chill in Fort Collins. During my professional career, I was able to learn to modify my workouts through various injuries and as my body changed with age in order to keep my body healthy and fit until I chose to retire in 2008. 

After retirement, I immediately began my career as a personal trainer to start helping people. My passion to do so was incredibly strong and with over 16 years of training experience under my own belt, personal training was a natural career transition for me. This career has now spanned over 15 years and I have helped thousands of clients learn and understand that their fitness and overall health is realistically in their control through consistency with healthy nutrition, individualized programmed exercise, and positive lifestyle habits.  I have furthered my education beyond my degree and am certified through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) with the certifications of  Personal Training (CPT), Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES) and Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES). I continue to seek out new training ideologies and methods so I can consistently bring the best individualized programming to my clients. 

I can honestly say strength and conditioning has been a tool that has allowed me to have so many opportunities in my life from playing basketball both collegiately and professionally, to competing and winning in bodybuilding shows, to being a Swedish Gladiator on TV in Sweden for a season! You never know what opportunities will be presented to you when you put the effort in consistently.


If there is one thing strength training has taught me it’s the ability to overcome adversity. Like any muscle in the body, perseverance is a muscle that must also be challenged in order to grow. In my life my “perseverance muscle” has been challenged over and over again as I have undergone 15 surgeries including multiple on the back, shoulder, and knees. I have been able to successfully rehab myself through each and every surgery in order to stay active and keep doing the things I love.  I am able to take my experiences and help my clients who are also struggling with similiar injuries or issues. My greatest personal test came on August 1, 2019 when I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. Through my treatment of 6 rounds of chemo and a double mastectomy, I was able to keep training to bring my life the normalcy it had prior to my diagnosis but to also give myself a sense of control in an otherwise uncontrollable situation. I also rehabbed myself following that surgery and I have a soft spot in my heart when it comes to using my experience to help other fellow breast cancer battlers and survivors. 

Strength training and helping people is my passion because I believe everybody should have the opportunity to see what they are truly capable of physically, mentally, and spiritually. Strength training is so much more then just lifting weights. It brings us an adversity that we must overcome daily to help build all of our “perseverance muscles”. Strength training allows us to look in the mirror and love our body for what it does for us everyday and it builds our confidence and ability to love how we look while we do it. Finally, strength training builds the metabolism, increases bone density, and allows us to stay strong and active thus giving us a better quality of life as we age. What strength training provides each individual is absolutely priceless and I want to bring that to as many people as I possibly can in my lifetime.

Why Strength Training?

BStrong Fitness LLC was started out of a passion for fitness and helping individuals reach their full potential. Strength training has a multitude of health benefits for men and women, and now more than ever it is important to put health first.

Here are just some of the phenomenal benefits of strength training for men and women:

Decreased risk of cardiovascular and heart disease

Increase of bone mass and density

Fat Loss

Muscle gain resulting in higher caloric burn and the “lean” look

Better sleep

Improved Mood

Boosted confidence

Stress release

Higher energy levels

Increased strength

Injury prevention

Improved overall physical and mental health




Certified Personal Trainer (CPT)

Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES)

Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES)


So what are you waiting for? Click below to get started!


The mission of BStrong Fitness LLC is empower every client to take control of their own health and quality of life by making fitness a lifelong journey. Through the highest quality of education, individual program customization, life-manageable consistency, and accountability I aim to equip each client with all the support and tools they need to achieve their goals and feel confident and secure when they walk into any gym at any time.  When a client becomes self sufficient and no longer “needs” me, THAT is when I have succeeded.