“After gaining and losing the same 30 pounds for most of my adult life, I sought out Carrie Bacon. I met Carrie at the gym several years ago and always admired her discipline and enthusiasm. The time had come to stop being inconsistent and I knew Carrie was the person to help me. In just a few months, I reached my first goal! Since then, she has taught me to view my physical health as a life long process, not just something to do when I need to fit into a dress I had outgrown. At 56 I am in the best shape of my life! There have been some bumps in the road that would have thrown me off track had it not been for her support and knowledge, but I'm still going!”

BEFORE PIC: 175lbs and over 40% body fat

AFTER PIC: On my 56th birthday, 132LBS and 27% body fat

Susan R.

“I started working out with Carrie in January of 2022. I’ve lost over 20 pounds and approximately 8% body fat by training 2-3 times a week. Carrie’s uses her extensive knowledge and passion for training to keep you engaged by mixing up the exercise’s so you are constantly challenged. She is able to adapt and adjust your program based on your specific goals and helps to educate you on the impacts of diet, stress, sleep, and recovery. I would recommend Carrie to anyone that wants to be challenged and rewarded for hard work by someone that truly loves what they do and cares about their clients.”

Mitchell B

“I have been working with Bstrong Fitness for 4 months now. In that time, I have learned how to pay closer attenion to what I put in my body from a calorie, macro, and nutrient standpoint. I have also learned the importance and value of good clean protein. Because of this new nutrition knowledge and with the programs Carrie has given me,  I have lost 19lbs over all, also lost 20lbs of fat, gained 5lbs of muscle, and dropped my body fat from 30% to 19% in these 4 months! Carrie has done an amazing job designing programs with my goals and body type in mind. She takes the time every day to answer any questions I have. Also since working with Carrie, I have hit my first set of goals in my bench press, squat, pull-ups, and dead lifts. Now on to the next set of goals! I know with Carrie’s expertise, motivation, and support, I will meet those goals  and surpass them! I highly recommend Carrie and BStrong Fitness to ANYONE looking to see results!”

Jordan M

I was really nervous about approaching a personal trainer. I have spent the majority of my life overweight, but I knew I had to change the habits I built in my life. I was ready to begin my fitness journey, specifically interested in one-on-one training with a professional female, and it’s been the best decision I’ve ever made for myself. Carrie has dealt with my out of shape body extremely well! She knows when to be nice and when to kick butt. You KNOW you exercised but are not overstrained! She has dealt appropriately with how my diet affects my exercise program perfectly. I have been working out with Carrie for 2 years now and I went from 420lbs to 225lbs.


She is encouraging, motivating, and very thorough with her explanations and visuals to demonstrate proper technique and form to ensure you are safely and effectively achieving your fitness goals. Carrie challenges you and is right by your side guiding you along the way. Her gym is immaculate, very organized, clean, and houses a large variety of gym equipment to meet your personal needs.  If you are afraid to face a trainer all I can tell you is Carrie never makes you feel like you can't or shouldn't be there - she takes who you are and makes you better! It’s been a great experience and by far the best money I’ve ever spent. Just Show Up! You’ll only regret not starting sooner."

Tannera G